



Tracking Styles
NightshadeNG introduces the notion of tracking styles. As of this writing there are two styles; follow and geosync.

Follow defines a center point about which the camera can rotate (effectively changing lat/lon) and maintains a consistent distance from the object (alt). Thus, if the object changes position then the camera will change position to maintain the set distance. The desired distance can be explicitly changed by the user (hold middle mouse button and move on y-axis).

Geosync is similar to follow in a few ways. Geosync mode also defines a center point about which the camera can rotate, and geosync also maintains a consistent distance from the object. The camera will always maintain this distance to the object, even if the object moves. However, when geosync mode is active, the camera will not rotate around the defined center point. It will maintain a constant latitude and longitude, unless the user explicitly changes their latitude and longitude.